Here at sustain:able we are we are extremely passionate about helping achieve a balance to the energy trilemma. This is THE biggest and most complex problem the world is working on today.
How can we achieve a low-carbon economy while striving to maintain energy balance?
The provision of water and suitable sanitation must also be a focus for us to achieve a stable, equitable and prosperous future for our children and grandchildren.
We set up sustain:able this year to cement the work we were doing across different projects and combine our different skills and experiences to provide a stronger offering.
As mums to young families, we want to a better future for them - it's as simple as that.
So what do we do and how do we do it?
The sustain:able approach to sustainability
Our projects are focused on the principles of impactful and relevant Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG ) - criteria. Essentially, a set of standards that a company can adopt to ensure they are operating in a responsible manner.
We believe that setting up ESG frameworks, strategy and reporting goes way beyond a company’s usual annual, financial and sustainability reporting. Your ESG reporting should reflect the overall business objectives, vision and values of the company.
What is the difference between ‘sustainability’ and ‘ESG’?
When we talk about ‘sustainability’ it is often in terms of how a business is working at doing better. It is a term that encompasses a company’s efforts to reduce its impact on the world around it and to give back to important causes. One key issue with ‘sustainability’ is that it can mean different things to different organisations, and often provides too broad a remit for measuring and reporting on performance.
With ‘ESG’ we look at far more specific and data-driven goals. These are based around the pillars that are important to business today.
Environment = improving the environmental performance of a company i.e. reduction of carbon and other greenhouse emissions, improving resource efficiency, complying with environmental regulations, reducing waste.
Social = improving how a business impacts its employees, customers, and the communities in which it works i.e. employee engagement, diversity in the workforce, gender balance, community engagement, data and privacy.
Governance = practicing fairness and transparency in the leadership and structure of the business i.e. anti-corruption policies, protecting shareholder interests, corporate risk management, active disclosure of information to stakeholders.
How do we work?
At sustain:able we focus on setting a sustainability strategy and ESG framework that is based on the 17 UN Sustainability Development Goals. As recognised, well respected and incredibly carefully thought-out grouping of activities, we believe this is the most efficient and easily communicated manner in which to work.
To ensure the ESG strategy and reporting is a success we have set up 4 main stages which we work through with our clients.
1. Audit and planning - Where are you now? Where can you go? What are the benefits to you?
Maybe you are already working into some of the UNSDG areas; how can we help you improve on what you are currently doing and what can you do to make the biggest impact?
What help do you need with staff awareness and engagement?
Can we help you communicate the benefits of an ESG strategy to you Board and/or Executive team?
2. Frameworks - Establishing ESG reporting processes
Which of the many reporting framework options would work best for your organization (SASB, TCFD, etc.)?
What data do you have, what is missing, what’s the best way of recording this?
We can help you construct the required reporting tables to ensure all critical data is being captured.
3. Implementation - Making sure it all works
We help you work through the detailed development and implementation of the most suitable sustainability strategy for your organization.
We help you collate data and monitor progress and set up impactful projects.
How can we help you engage your employees in the strategy?
4. Reporting - Communicating your ESG work
We work with you to set up the best layout and design for your annual reporting, providing detailed and prescriptive requirements for an efficient process
We can help you compile all your content and use this to produce a high-quality report

Get in touch to see how we can help you make your company more sustain:able while honouring your core business.