putting our own advice into practice
We believe a company is never too small to develop an awareness of the impacts they have on the world around them. We also believe in leading by example.
So we have followed the same process we recommend to our clients to develop a fit-for-purpose ESG strategy and processes to measure our performance as we strive to continuously improve how we do business.
Our first step was to identify who our key stakeholders are, and who we impact as we conduct our business.
Our employees

Our partners & associates
Our clients

Our collaborators
Our suppliers

Government & industry regulators
Our families

Our local communities
The next step was to identify which topics are most material to us, and to our stakeholders. This Double Materiality assessment ensures we focus on those areas that are most important and where we have the most influence.
We have also identified priority and additional topics that are important to how we successfully do business while acting as a responsible corporate citizen. We commit to reviewing the topics in detail every year.
With our material topics and the important work we do with our clients in mind, we have selected 6 UN SDGs - which we will strive to contribute to:
UN SDGs that are material to us as a business with positive purpose
UN SDGs that are material to us through our work with our clients

As the next step to developing our robust ESG strategy, we are formulating a set of metrics so we can track and transparently report our performance against our material topics.
We will update this page when these have been defined and then annually report our performance against them.