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for investors, banks & finance advisors

risk  -  emissions  -  engagement

due diligence and advice 

 Supporting investors and M&A teams with integration of ESG considerations

into investment strategies and decision-making processes

Our focus is on

- understanding the impact, risks and opportunities -

- analysing emissions and reduction & mitigation plans -

- evaluating the wider implications of a transaction -

From high-level screening of companies,

right through to detailed investment decisions,

we review ESG and emissions strategy and data

ESG & Emissions Due Diligence


Interrogate emissions reporting and claims

Does the company claim to align with the Paris Agreement? Is this valid?

Is the Net Zero ambition defendable?


How do companies compare?

Standardising ESG data to enable correct comparisons

Reporting framework comparison

Strategy Review

Has the company followed a proper approach to ESG?


Does the strategy and activity align with the



Have they considered stakeholders?

Investing Impact

How will a merger / acquisition impact the ESG credentials of the parent company?


Opportunities for improvement

ESG is now vital for successful companies.

Without a defendable ESG approach, companies risk reputational damage.

The expectations of what should be reported and acted on are changing continually.


Sustain:able provides advice to address various aspects of

responsible investing, including:

Risk management

Performance enhancement

Regulatory compliance

Stakeholder expectations

Aligning investments with personal

or organisational values

ESG is both a risk and an opportunity – we identify the risks, and then build on the opportunities


What are companies really reporting on?

What have they omitted?

How do they compare to their peers?

Are their reduction plans validated?

Do they have an achievable plan for their Net Zero claims?

"Are ESG, Net Zero and emissions statements defendable and based on proper process?"

"How does the company stack up to its peers with regards to ESG and emissions?"

"Post-acquisition, what are the key ESG opportunities for improvement?"

"Which frameworks are they reporting to and how well aligned are they?"

Our experience and bespoke approach to each project addresses your critical questions  

Team experienced in due diligence for M&A transactions
Best practice, data driven approach to scrutinize claims and spot the gaps

Understanding the ESG and emissions implications of a transaction for a successful and smooth transition period

Compare peer companies (impacts, ESG goals, emissions footprint and stakeholder relationships)

High-level to in-depth ESG due diligence

Utilise key ESG frameworks

i.e. TCFD, SASB and ISSB

screening &
due diligence

impact of



to discuss how we can help you

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